• Tall ships docked at Fort Trumbull during OpSail 2012.

  • The Coast Guard Barque Eagle docked at its home port in New London.

  • The Thames Base Ball Club of New London plays vintage ball at Fort Trumbull.

  • Crowds enjoy the surf and Summer sun at Ocean Beach Park.

  • Art lovers enjoy work at the annual Salon des Independants at Hygienic Galleries.

  • A fish-eye's view of the majestically renovated Garde Arts Theater.

  • A community parade passes City Hall on State Street.

  • A bustling Waterfront Park during SailFest.

  • A lone tug passes Harbor Light on a foggy day on the Thames River.

  • The Reducers rock the boardwalk at Ocean Beach.



New London City Hall
181 State Street
New London, CT 06320

PHONE (860) 447-5200
HOURS Monday-Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Assessor's OfficE


MARCH 1, 2023  ****   SPECIAL NOTE:

The Personal Property Assessment Notices for 2022 Grand List values that were mailed out  on February 28, 2023 had the incorrect appeal deadline date. 


**** The CORRECT DATE of appeal is ON OR BEFORE MARCH 20, 2023, by 4pm. 

Applications for appeal can be downloaded here or picked up at the Assessor's Office at 15 Masonic St.



The City of New London has hired Vision Government Solutions, Inc. to complete its state-mandated revaluation program.  The reassessment project will establish market value as of October 1st, 2023 and will be reflected in the tax bills issued in the summer of 2024. 

The Commercial Data Collection phase of the project will commence 1/16/2023, with data collectors visiting all Commercial/Industrial properties. The data collectors will record exterior measurements and conduct interior inspections.  Data collectors will carry a letter of identification from the Assessor’s Office, a photo ID badge and have their cars registered with the Police Department. 

All property owners and tenants are respectfully requested to cooperate with data collectors to ensure that accurate information is used in the revaluation process.

Any property owners who have questions concerning the revaluation process can contact the Assessor’s Office during working hours at 860-447-5216. 

It is the goal of the City Assessor’s Office to keep the public informed of the progress of the revaluation throughout the coming year.  Look for the progress data on the City of New London’s Assessor’s web page at https://newlondonct.org.  Additional press releases will be forthcoming as the project continues.

The current Vision Representative with vehicle information is:

Ryan Whiston-2017 Dodge Journey (Grey) CT Plate TS-458




The total Net Grand List as of October 1, 2022 is: $1,621,264,779.


2021 Grand List Mill Rates (NOTE: 2022 Grand List Mill Rates are not yet available):

Real Estate and Personal Property:    37.31

Motor Vehicles:                                    32.46

City Center District:                               1.15



To ensure that all property located in the City is valued in accordance with the Connecticut General Statute and acceptable appraisal practices.

Description of Services:

  • Responsible for the discovery, listing and valuation of all taxable and tax-exempt Real & Personal Property .
  • Ensuring that all values are fair and accurate which, in turn, guarantees that taxes are distributed in a manner that is uniform and equitable.
  • Administers a myriad of exemptions and abatement programs in accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes.

Grand List Components:

Real Property

Real Property is comprised of land and building improvements located within the City limits and is assessed at 70% of the appraised value at the time of the last revaluation.  Information on all properties, including assessments, may be viewed by accessing the Vision Government Solutions (VGSI) on-line data base.  The last state-mandated revaluation in the City of New London was performed for the October 1, 2018 Grand List.

Personal Property

Personal Property consists of all furniture, fixtures and equipment of the businesses located within the City limits. Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) require that all businesses file the  annual Declaration of Personal Property form on or before November 1.  Failure to file a personal property declaration by November 1 would result in a 25% assessment penalty. Updated forms are place on the Assessors' website yearly.

Unregistered motor vehicles may also be taxed as personal property.
Registered motorized or non-motorized vehicles, (including cars, trucks, trailers & motorcycles) are considered motor vehicles for tax purposes.  The Assessors' office maintains a motor vehicle list that is developed with the help of the State's Department of Motor Vehicles.  Vehicle values are based on the average (k/n/a clean) retail from the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) price guides as recommended by the Office of Policy and Management.

 Welcome Homeowner:

On behalf of the City of New London, we would like to welcome you to our community.  We would also like to make you aware of some programs available to you.  If you feel that you qualify for any of the following programs, please contact the Assessors' Office at (860) 447-5216

If you wish to change your mailing address for Real Estate tax bills click here to print the form.

If you wish to change your address for your motor vehicle, go to https://portal.ct.gov/dmv

  1. Veterans' Exemption: If you are a veteran of a war period, so declared in the Connecticut General Statutes, you may be entitled to an exemption.  You must provide an original or Certified copy of your Honorable Discharge or similar document to the New London City Clerk.  Contact the Assessors' Office to be sure you qualify.  Filing Deadline: September 30th.
  2. Additional Veterans' Exemption: If you receive a veterans' exemption, you or your spouse may be eligible for an additional reduction in taxes for the next assessment year.  This program has certain income restrictions.  Filing Period: February 1st through October 1st.
  3. Connecticut Active Duty Military & Active Duty National Guard:  If you have 90 days or more cumulative service during a designated war period you may be entitled to an exemption.  You must provide a letter stating active duty status, filed annually by September 30th with the City Clerk.  If you have a vehicle you may also be entitled to and exemption for that one vehicle from any taxes. Application form required yearly.
  4. Leased Vehicle Exemptions: CT Active Duty Military/National Guard and Veterans may be entitled to a refund of taxes for a leased vehicle.  One of the following forms is required to be filed with the Assessor: Active Duty Military Vehicle form or the Veterans form or the Veterans leased Vehicle Form  -  Filing Deadline: Not later than the thirty first day of the December next following the assessment year in which such tax was paid.
  5. Disabled Veterans: Veterans claiming a disability exemption must submit proof from the Veterans Administration to the Assessor during the assessment period,  stating the percentage of disability, in order to receive the proper amount of exemption.  A subsequent filing is required only if there is a change in the percentage of disability.  Filing Deadline: You may file until the Board of Assessment Appeals completes their duties.
  6. Disable Veterans Age 65 or Older:  If you qualify for a Veterans' disability exemption and you are over 65, the exemption may be increased to the equivalent of a 100% disability rating.  If you qualify, provide proof of age.
  7. Non-Resident Active Duty Military:  A non-resident active duty military person stationed in Connecticut due solely to military orders and maintains that his/her home State is other than Connecticut, may be eligible for an exemption of all personal property listed in the "Service Members Civil Relief Act", including motor vehicles owned by the service member and/or their spouse.  Download the Application Form.
  8. 100% Totally Disabled:  Under certain circumstances, residents who are receiving 100% permanent totally disabled benefits through the Social Security Administration, may be entitled to receive a $1,000 property exemption upon submission of qualifying proof to the Assessor. Download the Application form.  Filing Deadline:  May be filed until the completion of the Assessors' duties - Signing of the Grand List.   **If you qualify for this exemption, you may also qualify for the the Elderly/Totally Disabled Homeowners' Tax Relief program.  This program has income restrictions and must be filed for between February 1st and May 15th.
  9. Blind:  If you or your spouse are deemed legally blind, you may be entitled to a $3,000 exemption off your assessment.  A certificate of Blindness from a licensed physician or a Certificate of Blindness from the State of Connecticut Board of Education and Services for the Blind is required.  Filing Deadline: File until the signing of the Grand List on January 31st.
  10. Elderly and/or Totally Disabled Exemption Programs: If you are a resident, own & occupy a residence in the City and you or your spouse is over 65 or considered totally and permanently disabled though the Social Security Administration, you may be eligible for a reduction in your taxes.  This program has certain income restrictions.  Contact the Assessors' office to determine if you may qualify.  Filing Period: February 1st through May 15th.
  11. Handicapped-Equipped Vehicles: The City of New London has adopted, in accordance with CGS, a local ordinance allowing for the assessment exemption on certain private vehicles equipped for transportation of the handicapped.  Download the exemption application form here. Details are available from the Assessor.
  12. Solar Exemptions: The City of New London has adopted a local option exemption under CGS § 12-81(56) that may exempt the active solar energy heating or cooling system added to any residential building after October , 1976, to the extent that it exceeds the assessed valuation of such real property equipped with a conventional heating or cooling system, exclusive of any portion of such system related to solar energy.  This exemption shall only apply to the first fifteen assessment years following construction of addition of any such system.  Download the Exemption form here.
  13. Tax Exempt Organization: In accordance with CGS § 12-81 (7), (10), (11) and (16), an exemption may be filed seeking tax exempt status.  Download the M-3 application here.
  14. Antique Vehicles: Vehicles registered or non-registered, 20 years old or older, that are defined and maintained as antique, rare or special interest motor vehicles, in accordance with CGS § 14-1, as amended by Public Act 08-150, Section 1, shall not be assessed more than $500.  If registered with with historical plates from the CT DMV, the assessed value of $500 is automatic. If not, owner must file Antique Vehicle Affidavitwith the Assessor before October 1. 

The City of New London offers many other programs to its' residents.  Contact the Senior Center, Recreation Department or the New London Public School System, as appropriate, for more information.

 The Assessor’s Office performs inspections of new and existing properties, especially properties under construction, to determine their value.

 Additionally, every five years, the Assessor’s Office coordinates and oversees the town-wide revaluation of all taxable and tax exempt property to reflect current market trends.  The Office supervises all contracted appraisal work for revaluation and superior court appeals.

The New London Board of Assessment Appeals meets once a year in March to hear appeals on the last Grand Lists' Real and Personal Property values.  The application must be filed by February 20 in order to qualify for a hearing appointment.  2020 Grand List Board of Assessment Appeals Application

Questions pertaining to motor vehicle adjustment to due to sale, junked, registered out-of-state, totaled, etc should contact the Assessor.
Questions pertaining to tax abatements, deferments or tax payment plans, please contact the Tax Division of Finance. 

Please note that this information contained herein is subject to change based on new legislation, new construction, fire, demolition, etc.


Donna L. Ralston, CCMA II



Contact Information

Assessor's Office
15 Masonic Street
P.O. Box 92
New London, CT 06320
Phone: (860) 447-5216
Fax: (860) 447-5225

Monday - Friday 
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Donna L Ralston, CCMA II


Phone: (860) 437-6317

Email: Dralston@newlondonct.org

Christian Driscoll, Commercial and Property Appraiser

Phone: (860) 447-5216

Email: Cdriscoll@newlondonct.org


Valeria Bocachica, Assessment Tech II 

Phone: (860) 447-5217

Email: Vbocachica@newlondonct.org


Darnell Robinson

Phone: (860) 447-5217

Email: DRobinson@NewLondonCT.org



Forms and Documents

Additional Links