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2/12/2019 - Winter Parking Restrictions

For Immediate Release

Winter Parking Restrictions

Due to the prediction of a mixed winter weather for today and tomorrow morning, residents and visitors are reminded of the City of New London’s Winter Parking Restrictions are in effect.                 

As of this Press Release there is NO DOWNTOWN PARKING BAN IN EFFECT, should it become necessary advance notice shall be given. 

Parking restrictions are in effect during inclement winter weather snow/ice:

  • No Parking on NARROW STREETS.


  • Where parking is permitted ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET, PARK ON THE “EVEN” SIDE OF THE STREET ONLY.  New London Police will be strictly enforcing these restrictions for safety purposes.  New London Public Works, Fire and Police experience great difficulties and challenges responding to requests for services, clearing the roadways and responding to emergencies with vehicles improperly parking each year on the following streets: Michael Rd, Anthony Rd, Boulder Drive, Buchanan Rd, Rogers St, Connecticut Ave, Belden St, Ledyard St, Mountain Ave, Cape Ann Court, Eastern Ave at the top of the hill, Terrace Ave and Bragaw St.  The New London Police will be vigilant and will be issuing tickets and towing improperly parked vehicles during each snow event.

During snow events the City is requesting that sidewalks be shoveled and cleared in a reasonable time frame after the storm; this is a significant and consistent issue and problem after storms.  Failing to shovel greatly impedes our high pedestrian traffic in the city for most people to include the disabled, elderly and children who must walk to school

Storm related suggestions are; review and refer to the Red Cross website which is also available on the City of New London’s website ( )~ residents are reminded to stay away from downed wires~ in deep snow, residents are reminded to clear any basement level vents for furnaces and hot water heaters~ do not run generators inside homes, garages or structures as it will become a severe carbon monoxide threat~ remember to bring pets inside~ all coastal areas should pay close attention to flood warnings~ remember to shovel and clear your sidewalks after the storm~